
7 inch Red and Brecciated Jasper stretch bracelet. Good for those who are exhausted and need something to keep them going.

Jasper is known as the supreme nurturer. It sustains and supports during times of stress and brings tranquility and wholeness. Psychologically, Jasper imparts determination to all pursuits, bringing courage to get to grips with problems assertively and encourages honesty with yourself. It supports during necessary conflict. Mentally, Jasper aids in quick thinking and promotes organizational abilities and seeing projects through by stimulating the imagination and transforming ideas into actions. Physically, jasper supports during prolonged illnesses or hospitalizations and reenergizes the body.

Different varieties/shades of Jasper have additional meanings: Red Jasper and Crecciated Jasper are gently stimulating. They ground energy and rectifies unjust situations. They bring problems to light before they become too big and provide insights in the most difficult situations. They make excellent “worry beads” calming the emotions when played with. They are stones of health; strengthening and detoxifying the circulatory system, the blood and the liver.