
I want to tell the world about an amazing healer – Deborah Schlag. She is building an amazing healing center near Asheville, North Carolina and is a gifted energy healer. She is generous, kind and loving and a true gift to humanity. That is all.
I was given the opportunity this year for healing by Deborah Schlag, a distant energy healer. I had been holding emotional pain and trauma for years that was now affecting my physical body and other areas of my life. We first talked on the phone and then I lay down for a time as Deborah sent energy to my body, mind and soul. This was an amazing experience for me as I could actually feel the circulating energy causing a shift in my body. The energy that I felt was warm, inviting and loving! Afterwards we spoke on the phone again and Deborah beautifully pinpointed many problem areas: pain in my left shoulder, back, and knee; tinnitus in my left brain area; including the trauma that I have been exposed to; and even her ability to sense those in my life who are no longer with me in the physical form. I felt such peace come over my “being” and am most grateful for her kindness. I highly recommend Deborah for energy healing as she is a blessing to those who are fortunate enough to be open to and receive her gifts from her presence of “light”.
Love and blessings, Tracey Anne Miller
I had major surgery in November 2014 and was recovering in the hospital. I had a major hernia repaired due to a colostomy and I was expected to be in the hospital about seven days. I came out of the surgery and anesthesia with high anxiety and mental discomfort that could be described as “fight or flight.” My blood pressure was high. After the first few days I also had developed a blockage in my bowels which was extremely serious, as the blockage was related to the surgery. My surgeon informed me on a Tuesday afternoon that if the situation did not correct itself, he would have to re-operate on me by Friday morning. Panic set in. Deborah was contacted and informed of the situation. After a phone chat, she performed some energy work at a distance on me. I immediately felt more relaxed with less anxiety and absolutely no pain. I did not need any pain medication after that session and my healing seemed to accelerate. Even getting out of bed was now pain free. By early the next afternoon, the blockage had cleared up and a second surgery was avoided. I found out later that Deborah intuitively knew where the blockage was, as it matched where the CT scan indicated. She did another session with me from a distance after I got out of the hospital with positive results. In my opinion, Deborah is a very intuitive and gifted healer.
The healing I received helped me to get rid of a lot of stuff I was holding onto emotionally. I felt the work all over my body. I always held it all in. I never even cried at my own father’s funeral. When you were done, I opened my eyes and cried, letting it all out. I realized you have to let go in order to move forward and heal. I have noticed I no longer hold onto, I am more confident and able to speak my voice.
Thank you,
Judy Hartung
Deb is such a wonderful intune healer! I highly recommend visiting her sanctuary!
The healing session I had with you felt like I was in heaven. I was at peace, filled with love and light. When you said I was blocked; that’s exactly how I had been feeling. This is a good thing you are doing and I hope this helps another to understand – it’s a good thing.
Teresa Kaeter
My name is Bryan, I live in South Carolina right next to the ocean. This is my 3rd trip/visit to Awakenings, and I feel the same way I felt on my previous visits, wish I could stay longer!
I have never felt so at peace and able just to relax and let Deborah ease my mind and soul. I am sleeping better than I have in years. I take stuff to help with sleep and this place works better than any medication I’ve ever tried. I also enjoyed the meals, so did my body. I feel great! I feel like I can handle the real world for a while. I am so thankful for Deborah and her Center and inner healing. It has made me look at things in my life differently. In the most positive differently you could think… I have a lot on my plate when it comes to life, and I am forever grateful I found Deborah and her Center. Can’t wait to visit again, hopefully in the fall. Thanks again,
Love Bryan
Deborah & Lance, Thank you for the gift that is Awakenings. Your space forever impacted my soul and life. Your presence and love for humanity and God’s creation was felt deeply. Thank you for the prayers and nourishment my soul was craving.
Continued blessings, Colleen
Letting go, rest. That was the theme for these days. Laying by the fire, sitting in the woods, sun before the screens. Release. Breathe. I have all I need; I just need to use it! Use what I know. Use what I have. Let God make it abundant. Let go, rest.
Thank you, KC
How wonderful a change of plans and circumstance brought us to your beautiful home. A history of head injury being the confirmation of what we had in common. And so, our healing began. We are so grateful for your hospitality, time, gifts, and fellowship. We leave feeling well rested, restored, healed and hopeful (hopeful being the card I drew from pocket change).
Much love and gratitude, Sue & Ed
You have given such a warm sense of home, love, and family here. Thank you for all your positive energy and inclusion. Thank you for your powerful healing touch. You have helped me reconnect with my smile, light, and joy and worth. My God, Thank you to the trees, the turkeys, all the butterflies, and the wolf.
Love Sofia
Thank you for sharing your gift of healing… your words of strength, of how to let go of my past. I leave feeling peaceful!
Love and hugs, Mary
Beloved friends, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in unity. His steadfast love never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning and GREAT is His faithfulness. These verses describe my few nights and days at this precious property and mountain top log cabin. A place to sit a spell and find rest for my weary soul. The quiet, the laughter, the alone times, the togetherness in the fire of the cold, the conversations, the walks, the sleep, the hugs, the tears, the deer, the trees, the food, the thoughts the treats….and so much more. Life IS good, ALL is well God is nigh. Hmmmm…. how to sum up a time? BLESSED. I am grateful to find more of my unknown family in Lance & Deborah. This was the intro to many times ahead. Thank you, for being here and present. (when so many other places and people are call you to come). For being Abba’s extension and expression of love every day in every way. I came. I received. I am full.
I heard….. love loving, healing, building, sharing, caring, clarity, calm, confident, free beauty
Abundant flow of blessings, Cindy
Once again, I am so very grateful for my time here. I feel nourished – mind, body, & spirit. I was able to do some of the things I planned. More importantly God did things I hadn’t planned. A good call with a friend and healing prayer with Deborah. I leave with words and visions swirling inside of me. Abandon, surrender, trust “let me”, the odd view between an orange peel and the orange skin and iron man vs vision. Boat rope and floating in water. God will make sense of it. For now, as I leave this place and head home, I rest in gratitude.
Thank you….
Beloved Divine Family – Deborah & Lance, Thank you for the warm and loving welcome into your beauty filled home. Thank you for the over-flowing gifts of wholesome food and drink, for deeply authentic conversation, for a cozy place to lay my head and nourish my soul. And, for laughter, and, oh, So(fia)much more. You are such a magnificent example of Heaven on Earth, and I leave your sacred space renewed in body mind, and spirit. I know we will be connected in spirit always and it brings me peace knowing the two of you are in this world at this time…. I thank the Amazing God of Infinite love for showing me the way to your open door and open hearts. Thank you for being on my team of Angels.
In the loving always and forever, Christine
What a blessing to spend the beginning of the year at “Awakenings” with Deborah and Lance and friends. Such a welcoming here, full of love and peace and the perfect place to start a new beginning. Thank you for the hospitality, inspiration, encouragement, and especially love!
Blessings this year and Always, MJ
I came here by “accident”. I was originally scheduled in another retreat center, a place I had planned to go 3 other times this year and all needed to be rescheduled for various reasons. When that center called to cancel due to illness, I just laughed. There was “some reason” I was not supposed to be there. That center referred me here to Deborah & Awakenings. Shortly after arriving I knew it wasn’t that I wasn’t supposed to be at the other place, it was that I needed to be here. This change in my retreat location was no “accident” God wanted me here! Awakenings is lovely – Deborah was just the conversation I needed, we needed. So much confirmation about things God had been stirring up in me. So much delight for me this weekend. So much knowing that I have been hearing God correctly. I’ll be back!
I have learned so much in my time here the importance of self-care, how to receive generosity of kindness, more about my own aspirations and the ease of their attainability, and the wonders that come from human interaction and connection. Thank you so much Deborah for your friendship, your time, and for the incredible act of love in the form of Awakenings. So proud of you, and can’t wait to see what happens next for you and the center!!
Love always, Hilary
Deborah & Lance, How can we ever express our gratitude for all you have given us: your kindness, the comforts of your home, your generosity of stuff of healing, of tea, of spirit, of your enormous spiritual healing gifts, and of our times with you?
With much love, Bonnie & Larry
Thank you, Deborah, for years of friendship and mentoring. You changed my life in a way few others have.
Blessings to you – for a thousand years
I can’t thank you enough for sharing your center with me. It is a wonderful place, and you are truly a an amazing person. You and your vision will touch the lives of many people. It is wonderful to be able to laugh again!
God bless, Judy
Lance and Deborah, Thank you for a great weekend. We so enjoyed spending time with you in your peaceful mountaintop retreat. A visit to you always renews me. I remember when you were having the well dug. It is always an amazement to me to see the latest progress knowing how much of the work you have done yourselves makes me marvel. Vernon was marveling and it was his first visit. Deborah, the food was delicious. We left nourished both our bodies and souls.